Destination B Information

Destination Overview

On the cult journey, we will be your guide through a robust set of researched and supported information. The content is structured in a deliberately progressive manner to best equip you with tools to enact love in your life. Along the way, you will gain a rich understanding of the context surrounding biblical text.
Though the structure is deliberate, the journey is ultimately yours to navigate. You can do it on your own time, and at your own pace, and in your own way.

On the journey, you will be guided through a sequence of Destinations. Destinations each contain a collection of learning resources. These resources come in various formats, including, but not limited to, videos, text, music, art. Each Destination is differentiated by its complexity and subject matter.

Within each Destination, you’ll tour a number of stops. Stops bring structured teachings on chosen topics and are intended to sustain and strengthen your faith. You can also take Day Trips to learn about tangential but related subjects.

Around town are various attractions like Libraries and Museums. Attractions around town contain additional learning resources for your journey, and you can visit these at any time! Additionally, along the way, your study will be supported with a Playlist of our signature music and podcasts.

Navigating Destinations


When you enter the Destination, you will notice three distinct areas on the page. The menu across the top, the navigation bar on the left, and the main content in the center.

In the main menu at the top, you’ll notice four main features. The logo on the far left is a return to the Hub. The progress bar indicates how far along you are in the Destination. The button with a check mark is how you indicate that a step is complete, and your profile icon on the far right is a sub-menu to navigate to areas outside of the destination.

On the left you’ll find your main Destination navigation. Here you can see all of the steps that are included in the Destination, what they are named, and if you have completed that step or not. You can toggle this on or off when you are on a desktop, or from your mobile, you’ll select the three lines to toggle it open.

In the main content area, you’ll see the name of the step at the top, a taxonomy of where that step is located in the Destination, your status of completion on the step, and the main content for that step. At the bottom, you can step forward or backward with the navigation arrows, as well.

About Destination B

Destination B includes 7 Main Stops, 1 Day Trip, and Around Town, you’ll find a Library, a Playhouse and a Shop.

Main Stops

Stop 1 — Seven Witnesses

Scripture posits seven witnesses coming from several different places that witness to the existence of God. This series unpacks and explains each of those seven witnesses.

Stop 2 — Entering the Kingdom of God Today

The Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of heaven? What is it, where is it, how does it operate and has it always been the same or has it changed? Join us as we explore how the Bible describes the Kingdom of God as it stands today.

Stop 3 — Exanastasis

Paul knew all people would be resurrected (anastasis) but he strived to attain exanastasis, or “an out-resurrection.” At this Stop, we evaluate what could the Out-Resurrection mean to Paul who hoped “by any means” that he may attain or receive it?

Stop 4 — Study in Pride and Humility

At this Stop, we will take a look at what scripture says about pride and humility, two critical factors for our success or failure in spiritual growth today.

Stop 5 — The High Price of Spiritual Growth

While spiritual growth is commonly the road less traveled, this Stop contains teachings that question why this might be the case. What is the cost of spiritual growth? What is sacrificed? What is required?

Stop 6 — Leadership in the Modern Body

The goal of is to develop leaders who are equipped with the spiritual capacity to enact agape love in the world as best as possible. This Stop gives a small teaser for our leadership program, unpacking how we might demonstrate love in our world today.

Stop 7 — Vital Keys for Understanding the Bible

After all we’ve learned thus far, this final Stop in Destination B looks at the scripture on the whole and identifies key factors for comprehending scripture holistically and contextually.

Day Trips

In His Image

In His Image is a short trip teaching how we interpret what God means in Genesis when He says He created man “in His image”.

Around Town


Pick up a selection from our collection of digital and printed publications to gain knowledge on topical subjects related to growth in the modern faith.


Stop by the playhouse in town and read a play that contributes to a robust spiritual comprehension.


Browse our shop for necessities you might need in your journey! We offer ways to communicate and spread the knowledge of love along with tools to aid your study.

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