Revelation 2:8-11 – Part 2

Revelation 2:8-11 As He had himself triumphed over death in all its forms, and was now alive for ever, it was appropriate that He should promise to his true friends the same protection from the second death. But thou art rich. Not in this world’s goods, but in a more important respect – in the grace and favor of God. The Saviour was eminently poor. The poor should always be cheerful and happy. And I know the blasphemy. The word here does not seem to refer to blashemy against God, but to bitter approaches against themselves. It was doubtless on account of their religion. That spirit of bitter opposition was indeed often manifested in their treatment of Christians, as it had been of the Savior. Affliction in this life, however severe, can be but brief; and in the hope that it will soon end, why should we not bear it without murmuring or repining? Though in regard to the church, the affliction would be brief, yet it might be fatal to some of them. It is true of every one who is a Christian, in whatever manner he is to die, that if he is faithful unto death, a crown of life awaits him. He that overcometh – that would gain the victory in the presecutions which were to come upon them. He will have nothing to fear in the future world. The second death cuts off from eternal life; death puts an end to all our hopes here, and the second death to all our hopes for ever. The promise here made would be all that was necessary to sustain them in their trials. Nothing more is requisite to make the burdens of life tolerable than an assuance that, when we reach the end of our earthly journey, we have arrived at the close of suffering, and that beyond the grave there is no power that can harm us. It comes with the assurance that we shall be sustained in the dying hour; that the Redeemer will accompany us through the dark valley; that death to us will be a calm and quiet slumber, in the hope of awaking in the morning of the resurrection; that we shall be raised up again with bodies incorruptible and undecaying; and that beyond the grave we shall never fear death in any form. Check out our Website

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